Miguel Moreira

I have moved to MIT, you can find my new website here. This page will no longer be updated.

Hello! My name is Miguel and this is my webpage. Since 2023 I am a Moore instructor at MIT, supervised by Davesh Maulik. Before I was a PhD student at ETH Zurich and my advisor was Rahul Pandharipande. Even before that I did my bachelor and master in Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon. My master's thesis advisors were Miguel Abreu and Leonardo Macarini.

My research mostly concerns enumerative invariants defined using moduli spaces parametrizing some sort of geometric objects. Examples include Gromov-Witten theory, stable pairs, Hilbert schemes or moduli of stable bundles.

Picture of me


Email: miguel(at)mit.edu

Address: MIT Department of Mathematics, 182 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA 02139

Office: 2-155

Papers and preprints

Slides and notes from talks

Upcoming conferences/visits

Some notes, reports for courses, projects and others

The notes here (with the exception of the master thesis) are expository and I claim no originality (nor lack of typos).

Last updated 09/feb/2024