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Autumn Semester 2014

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
3 October 2014
Matteo Seminaroti
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, NL

IFOR talks

Title QAP and recognition of Robinsonian matrices
Speaker, Affiliation Matteo Seminaroti, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, NL
Date, Time 3 October 2014, 11:00-12:00
Location HG G 19.2
Abstract A Robinson similarity matrix is a symmetric matrix whose entries decrease monotonically along rows and columns when moving away from the diagonal. A matrix is said to be a Robinsonian similarity if its rows and columns can be symmetrically permuted to obtain a Robinson similarity. Robinsonian matrices arise in the classical seriation problem and play an important role in any practical problem where unsorted similarity information must be reordered. We show that the Quadratic Assignment Problem in Koopmans-Beckman form QAP(A,B) over Robinsonian matrices is solved by the permutation reordering the matrices as Robinson matrices. Furthermore, we present a new polynomial time algorithm to find such permutations, based on a new characterization of Robinsonian matrices in terms of straight enumerations of unit interval graphs. The algorithm is based essentially on partition refinements and Lexicographic-Breadth-First-Search (LBFS).
QAP and recognition of Robinsonian matricesread_more
HG G 19.2

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