ETH Foundations of Data Science

The foundations of data science are in computer, information and mathematical sciences, machine learning and statistics. The recently emerging areas and applications call for new fundamental research and with this also for new educational curricula. Contributions to the foundations of data science have an impact on the upcoming decades: new methodological developments and mathematical theory will impact many modern application areas and will radiate to a massive number of users. ETH-FDS aims to bring together existing excellence and expertise within ETH Zurich to further strengthen top research in the foundations of data science across different departments of ETH Zurich.
Afonso Bandeira, Helmut Bölcskei, Peter Bühlmann (Director), Yuansi Chen, Niao He, Thomas Hofmann, Andreas Krause, Rasmus Kyng, Amos Lapidoth, Hans-Andrea Loelliger, Nicolai Meinshausen, Siddhartha Mishra, Jonas Peters, Gunnar Rätsch, Christoph Schwab, external page David Steurer, Fanny Yang, Rico Zenklusen, Johanna Ziegel
Participating departments
ETH-FDS is a cooperation of the following departments:
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- Department of Mathematics
Stiefel lectures
ETH-FDS organizes the Stiefel lectures. Further information can be found here.
Foundations of Data Science Seminar
ETH-FDS organizes a seminar series on the foundations of data science. Further information can be found here.