
Diese Woche


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Montag, 15. Januar
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Dienstag, 16. Januar
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Mittwoch, 17. Januar
Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
10:30 - 11:30 Damien Calaque
University of Montpellier
Talks in Mathematical Physics
Shifted symplectic reduction
HG G 43
13:30 - 15:00 Tommaso Maria Botta
Examiner: Prof. Giovanni Felder
Doctoral Exam
Stable Envelopes of Nakajima and Bow Varieties: Geometry, Combinatorics, and 3d Mirror Symmetry
HG D 22
16:30 - 17:30 Richard Rimanyi
UNC Chapel Hill and Newton Institute Cambridge
Suppose we have a singular subvariety in a smooth ambient space. The fundamental cohomology class represented by the subvariety is a key concept in various parts of geometry, from Schubert calculus to moduli spaces. The concept of fundamental class has a 1-parameter deformation (both in cohomology and in K theory) that measures even more geometric information. Remarkably, these 1-parameter deformations (called Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson class and Motivic Chern class) coincide with Okounkov’s stable envelope definition in the settings where both are defined. I will report on some consequences of his new relation between Singularity Theory and Geometric Representation Theory.
Talks in Mathematical Physics
Characteristic classes of singular spaces and their \hbar-deformations
HG G 43
Donnerstag, 18. Januar
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Freitag, 19. Januar
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