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Montag, 4. Dezember
Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
13:15 - 14:15 Titus Neupert

Talks in Mathematical Physics
Category theory of anyons in topological liquids
Y27 H 25
14:15 - 15:45 Tommaso Goldhirsch
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Urs Lang
Doctoral Exam
Higher Rank Hyperbolicity and Currents in Metric Spaces
HG D 16.2
15:00 - 16:00 Prof. Dr. Samuel Tapie
Université de Lorraine
In this talk, I will focus on some relationships between topology, analysis and geometry which are provided by studying the geodesic flow on non-compact manifolds with negative curvature. I will first recall some classical notions of entropy and then present entropies at infinity and entropy gap property. I will sketch various applications to counting closed orbits, Laplace spectrum and mixing properties of the geodesic flow.
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems seminar
Entropy at infinity and applications in negative curvature
Y27 H 25
Dienstag, 5. Dezember
Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
13:00 - 14:30 David Pires Tavares Martins
Examiner: Prof. Martin Schweizer
Doctoral Exam
Aspects of quadratic utility: mean-variance hedging in rough volatility models, and CAPM-type equilibria
HG G 19.2
15:15 - 16:15 Dr. Jan Burczak
Universität Leipzig
Consider the scalar advection-diffusion equation. According to physical predictions, the advecting velocity field, if turbulent, may enhance diffusion so strongly that an artifact of the diffusivity remains in the inviscid limit. This phenomenon – the strict energy inequality in the transport equation obtained as an inviscid limit – is referred to as ‘anomalous dissipation’. I will present a recent joint result with László Székelyhidi and Bian Wu, proving that anomalous dissipation really occurs for scalars advected by a (typical) solution of Euler equation (with its regularity below the 1/3-Hölder continuity, the Onsager threshold). Consequently, we obtain non-uniqueness of the respective transport equations.
Analysis Seminar
Scalar anomalous dissipation driven by Euler flow
HG G 43
16:30 - 18:15 Prof. Dr. Alice Guionnet
ENS Lyon
Wigner's surmise states that the spectrum of the Hamiltonian of heavy nuclei is distributed like that of a large random matrix. Since it was proposed by Wigner in 1956, the eigenvalue distribution of large random matrices has been used as a toy model to study the distribution of more complex mathematical objects such as random tiles or the longest increasing subsequence of a random perturbation. However, this universality phenomenon generally concerns distributions derived from Gaussian matrices, known as the Gaussian ensembles. In this talk, we will discuss more general universality classes that appear in the theory of random matrices, how they stand out and open questions.
Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics
About universality in random matrix theory
KO F 150
Mittwoch, 6. Dezember
Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
13:30 - 15:00 Ajith Urundolil-Kumaran
University of Cambridge
We introduce the enumerative geometry of curves in the algebraic torus (C*)^2. We show that a certain class of invariants associated with moduli spaces of curves in (C*)^2 can be calculated explicitly using a refined tropical correspondence theorem. If time permits we will explain how the proof relies on higher double ramification cycles and work of Buryak-Rossi on integrable systems on the moduli space of curves. This is joint work with Patrick Kennedy-Hunt and Qaasim Shafi.
Algebraic Geometry and Moduli Seminar
Refined tropical curve counting with descendants
HG G 43
15:45 - 16:45 Geoffroy Horel
Université Paris 13
A fundamental question in algebraic topology is the following: how much information on a space can be deduced from its cohomology. There is of course no hope to get more than the underlying homotopy type of the space. On the other hand, Sullivan has famously proved that the rational homotopy type of a space is determined by the algebra of rational cochains (in particular rationalized homotopy groups can be computed from this data). My goal in this talk is to explain an integral lift of this theorem based on the theory of binomial rings.
Geometry Seminar
Binomial rings and homotopy theory
HG G 43
17:15 - 18:45 Zheng Fang
Universität Zürich, Switzerland
Seminar on Stochastic Processes
Working group step-reinforced random walks: Recurrence of 2D Elephant Random Walk
Y27 H12
Donnerstag, 7. Dezember
Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
15:00 - 16:00 Isobel Davies
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
In this talk I will give an introduction to CAT(0) spaces with a particular focus on the geometry of Euclidean buildings and symmetric spaces of non-compact type.
Geometry Graduate Colloquium
Euclidean buildings and symmetric spaces of non-compact type
HG G 19.2!
16:15 - 17:15 Artur Avila
Universität Zürich
HG E 7
17:15 - 18:15 Stefan Grieder
Kantonsschule Hohe Promenade, Zürich
Als Aufgabenredaktor der Elemente der Mathematik bin ich mit vielfältiger Mathematik konfrontiert. Inwiefern hat diese Beschäftigung mein Verständnis der Mathematik verändert? Hat(te) dies einen Einfluss auf meinen Unterricht? Wie wähle ich Lösungen zum Publizieren aus? Gibt es Parallelen zu Schüler:innenlösungen? Im Referat werden solche Fragen gestreift, aber hauptsächlich ausgewählte Aufgaben samt Lösungen präsentiert. <br /><br /> <a href="">Präsentation als PDF</a><br />
Kolloquium über Mathematik, Informatik und Unterricht
Aufgabenperlen aus Elemente der Mathematik 2010 - 2023
HG G 19.1
17:15 - 18:15 Nicola Muça Cirone
Imperial College London
Motivated by the paradigm of reservoir computing, we consider randomly initialised controlled ResNets defined as Euler-discretisations of neural controlled differential equations (Neural CDEs), a unified architecture which encompasses both RNNs and ResNets. We show that in the infinite-width-depth limit and under proper scaling, these architectures converge weakly to Gaussian processes indexed on some spaces of continuous paths and with kernels satisfying certain partial differential equations (PDEs) varying according to the choice of activation function, extending the results of Hayou (2022); Hayou & Yang (2023) to the controlled and homogeneous case. In the special, homogeneous, case where the activation is the identity, we show that the equation reduces to a linear PDE and the limiting kernel agrees with the signature kernel of Salvi et al. (2021a). We name this new family of limiting kernels neural signature kernels. Finally, we show that in the infinite-depth regime, finite-width controlled ResNets converge in distribution to Neural CDEs with random vector fields which, depending on whether the weights are shared across layers, are either time-independent and Gaussian or behave like a matrix-valued Brownian motion.
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
Neural Signature Kernels
HG G 43
Freitag, 8. Dezember
Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
14:15 - 15:15 Dr. Paul Kiefer
Bielefeld University
In the eighties, Kudla and Millson constructed a linear map between certain spaces of vector-valued Siegel modular cusp forms to the space of closed differential forms on some orthogonal Shimura variety. The injectivity of this map in genus 1 has been of great interest and has many applications, including the surjectivity of Borcherds' lift. The aim of this talk is to introduce orthogonal Shimura varieties and indicate why they might be of interest. We then proceed to explain the Kudla-Millson lift and its injectivity in genus 2. We end the talk with a cohomological application. This is joint work with Riccardo Zuffetti.
Number Theory Seminar
Injectivity of the Kudla-Millson-Lift in genus two
HG G 43
16:00 - 17:30 Yannick Schuler
University of Sheffield
: I will make a proposal for a rigorous formulation of the so called refined topological string on a Calabi-Yau threefold X (admitting a torus action) in the framework of equivariant Gromov-Witten theory of X x C^2. After explaining how these GW invariants conjecturally relate to K-theoretic stable pair invariants, we will concentrate on the case when X is a local del Pezzo surface K_S. In this case the so called Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit can be identified with the GW theory of S relative a smooth anti-canonical curve which can be used to prove BPS integrality for S=P^2 in this limit. This is ongoing work with Andrea Brini.
Algebraic Geometry and Moduli Seminar
Gromov-Witten theory and the refined topological string
HG G 43
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