Weekly Bulletin
The FIM provides a Newsletter called FIM Weekly Bulletin, which is a selection of the mathematics seminars and lectures taking place at ETH Zurich and at the University of Zurich. It is sent by e-mail every Tuesday during the semester, or can be accessed here on this website at any time.
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Monday, 2 December | |||
Time | Speaker | Title | Location |
09:00 - 10:00 |
Prof. Dr. Yaron Ostrover |
In this series of talks, I will provide an overview of Viterbo's volume-capacity conjecture, a symplectic isoperimetric-type inequality concerning symplectic capacities of convex domains in the classical phase space. Specifically, in the first talk, we will explore Viterbo's conjecture from the perspective of asymptotic geometric analysis. The second talk will focus on Minkowski billiard dynamics, and the characteristic foliation on convex polytopes. Finally, in the third talk, we will present a counterexample to Viterbo's conjecture and discuss potential future research directions.
These talks are based on joint work with S. Artstein-Avidan, P. Haim-Kislev, E. Gluskin, R. Karasev, and V. Milman.
Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/64239710101
Symplectic Geometry SeminarViterbo's Conjecture: Early Developmentsread_more |
HG G 19.2 Zoom Callcall_made |
10:15 - 12:00 |
Tom Mrowka Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Floer homology and the related invariants of 4-manifolds has given us deep insight in smooth differential topology in dimensions 3 and particularly 4. The theory has yielded insights like existence of exotic differentiable structures on 4 dimensional euclidean space, complex curves minimize genus in complex projective space, killing the Hauptvermuntung, there even appear to be connection to the 4 color map theorem. This course will build up Floer homology of three manifolds from scratch. The focus will be on Instanton Floer homology but we will mention other versions and develop applications as the course goes on.
NachdiplomvorlesungFloer homology of three manifolds and applications to low dimensional topologyread_more |
HG G 43 |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Ezra Getzler Northwestern University |
Y27 H 25 |
Tuesday, 3 December | |||
Time | Speaker | Title | Location |
10:15 - 12:00 |
Gigliola Staffilani Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
In this course we will investigate questions of weak turbulence theory by using as explicit example of wave interactions the solutions to periodic and nonlinear Schrödinger equations. We will start with Strichartz estimates on periodic setting, then we will move to well-posedness.
We will then present two different ways of introducing the evolution of the energy spectrum. We will first work on a method proposed by Bourgain and involving the growth of high Sobolev norms. Then, we will give some ideas of how to derive rigorously the effective dynamics of the energy spectrum itself (wave kinetic equation), when one considers weakly nonlinear dispersive equations.
NachdiplomvorlesungDispersive equations and wave turbulence theoryread_more |
HG G 43 |
10:30 - 12:00 |
Prof. Dr. Yaron Ostrover |
In this series of talks, I will provide an overview of Viterbo's volume-capacity conjecture, a symplectic isoperimetric-type inequality concerning symplectic capacities of convex domains in the classical phase space. Specifically, in the first talk, we will explore Viterbo's conjecture from the perspective of asymptotic geometric analysis. The second talk will focus on Minkowski billiard dynamics, and the characteristic foliation on convex polytopes. Finally, in the third talk, we will present a counterexample to Viterbo's conjecture and discuss potential future research directions.
These talks are based on joint work with S. Artstein-Avidan, P. Haim-Kislev, E. Gluskin, R. Karasev, and V. Milman.
Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/65744003648
Symplectic Geometry SeminarViterbo's Conjecture and Minkowski Billiardsread_more |
HG G 19.1 Zoom Callcall_made |
14:15 - 15:15 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Multerercall_made USI Lugano, CH |
We introduce the concept of samplets, extending the Tausch-White multi-wavelet construction to scattered data. This results in a multiresolution analysis of discrete signed measures with vanishing moments, enabling efficient data compression, feature detection, and adaptivity. The cost for constructing the samplet basis and applying the fast samplet transform is linear in the number of data sites N. We apply samplets to compress kernel matrices for scattered data approximation, achieving sparse matrices with only O(N log N) non-zero entries in the case of quasi-uniform data. The approximation error is controlled by the number of vanishing moments. We demonstrate two applications: a multiscale interpolation scheme for improved conditioning of kernel matrices and a dictionary learning approach with sparsity constraints.
DACO SeminarSamplets: Construction and applications to scattered dataread_more |
HG G 19.1 |
15:15 - 16:15 |
Michele Caselli Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa |
In this talk, I will present a geometric (to say that it also works in the case of ambient Riemannian manifolds) notion of codimension-two fractional mass that Gamma-converges to the (n-2)-dimensional Hausdorff measure. I will also discuss possible extensions to higher codimension and applications to the construction of minimal surfaces in codimension two. The talk is based on a joint work with Mattia Freguglia and Nicola Picenni.
Analysis SeminarNonlocal approximation of area in codimension tworead_more |
HG G 43 |
16:30 - 17:30 |
Annika Weidmann ETH |
KO2 F 150 |
Wednesday, 4 December | |||
Time | Speaker | Title | Location |
13:00 - 14:30 |
Prof. Dr. Yaron Ostrover |
In this series of talks, I will provide an overview of Viterbo's volume-capacity conjecture, a symplectic isoperimetric-type inequality concerning symplectic capacities of convex domains in the classical phase space. Specifically, in the first talk, we will explore Viterbo's conjecture from the perspective of asymptotic geometric analysis. The second talk will focus on Minkowski billiard dynamics, and the characteristic foliation on convex polytopes. Finally, in the third talk, we will present a counterexample to Viterbo's conjecture and discuss potential future research directions.
These talks are based on joint work with S. Artstein-Avidan, P. Haim-Kislev, E. Gluskin, R. Karasev, and V. Milman.
Zoom: https://ethz.zoom.us/j/68488661786
Symplectic Geometry SeminarViterbo's Conjecture: Recent Progress and Future Directionsread_more |
HG G 19.1 Zoom Callcall_made |
13:00 - 15:00 |
Jeremy Feusi ETH Zürich |
Introduction to log abelian varieties
Algebraic Geometry and Moduli SeminarComplex abelian varieties and their moduli VIIIread_more |
HG G 43 |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Prof. Dr. Jens Marklof University of Bristol |
One of the long-standing conjectures in quantum chaos is that the spectral statistics of quantum systems with chaotic classical limit are governed by random matrix theory. Despite convincing heuristics, there is currently not a single example where this phenomenon can be established rigorously. Rudnick recently proved that the spectral number variance for the Laplacian of a large compact hyperbolic surface converges, in a certain scaling limit and when averaged with respect to the Weil-Petersson measure on moduli space, to the number variance of the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble of random matrix theory. In this lecture we will review Rudnick's approach and extend it to explain the emergence of the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble for twisted Laplacians (which break time-reversal symmetry) and to the Gaussian Symplectic Ensemble for Dirac operators. This addresses a question of Naud, who obtained analogous results for twisted Laplacians on high genus random covers of a fixed compact surface. This lecture is based on joint work with Laura Monk (Bristol).
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems seminarThe moduli space of twisted Laplacians and random matrix theoryread_more |
Y27 H 28 |
15:30 - 16:30 |
Xenia Flammcall_made MPI Leipzig |
The Hilbert metric is a distance defined on properly convex subsets of real projective space. It generalizes the hyperbolic metric in Klein's model of hyperbolic space, where the convex set is the unit ball. The study of degenerations in Hilbert geometry leads to replacing the reals by a non-archimedean ordered valued field. The aim of this talk is to introduce convex sets over such fields, describe their Hilbert metrics through several examples and view how they arise as limits of classical Hilbert geometries. This is joint work with Anne Parreau.
Geometry SeminarHilbert geometry over non-archimedean ordered valued fieldsread_more |
HG G 43 |
17:15 - 18:45 |
Prof. Dr. Sergei Kuksin Universite Paris-Diderot (Paris 7) |
In his celebrated theory of turbulence, created in 1941 and known as the K41 theory, A.N.Kolmogorov considered the velocity u(t,x) of a turbulent flow of fluid. Assuming that the Reynolds number of the flow is large, he studied the increments u(t,x+r)-u(t,x) of u and heuristically examined their statistical properties, summarised in a number of law of the K41 theory. I will talk about fictitious 1d fluid, described by the stochastic Burgers equation, consider increments of its velocity field and will rigorously derive for them analogies of the corresponding laws from Kolmogorov's theory, strikingly close to these laws.
Seminar on Stochastic ProcessesOn rigorous 1d versions of the laws of Kolmogorov’s theory of turbulenceread_more |
HG G 43 |
Thursday, 5 December | |||
Time | Speaker | Title | Location |
11:00 - 12:00 |
Max Auer University of Maryland |
For a probability-preserving ergodic dynamical system (X, T, u) and an integrable function f, the asymptotic almost sure behaviour of the ergodic sums S_N (f ) is described by the Birkhoff Ergodic Theorem. The situation is much more complicated if f is not integrable, a result by Aaronson forbids almost sure Limit Theorems. Instead, the notion of trimming is introduced, by excluding the largest observations from S_N(f) . Trimmed limit Theorems are well-studied for iids. In the dynamical setting, results are only known for systems exhibiting strong mixing behaviour. We study trimming for irrational rotations in and functions with polynomial singularities.
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems seminarTrimmed Ergodic Sums for Non-integrable Functions over Irrational Rotationsread_more |
Y34 K 01 |
16:15 - 17:15 |
Mats Stensrud EPFL |
The exposure of an individual i often affects the outcome of another individual j. A prominent example occurs in infectious disease settings, where vaccinating one individual can reduce disease transmission and thereby affect the health outcomes of others. This spillover effect is a type of interference, which implies that individuals cannot plausibly be perceived as independent and identically distributed (iid). Extensive methodological research has recently been motivated by interference problems and the violation of conventional iid assumptions. However, despite the growing interest in the topic, there remains controversy over whether and when existing methods capture effects of practical interest.
In this talk, I will present causal methodology—motivated by infectious disease settings—for addressing interference. The central idea is to consider estimands that are insensitive to the interference structure. I will argue that these estimands have a clear interpretation and can be used to guide decisions made by, for example, doctors and patients facing infectious diseases. The methodology will be illustrated with examples of the effects of vaccines against HIV and influenza.
ETH-FDS seminar On Policy-Relevant Effects in the Presence of Interferenceread_more |
HG D 7.1 |
17:15 - 18:15 |
Prof. Dr. Walter Schachermayercall_made University of Vienna |
In classical optimal transport, the contributions of Benamou-Brenier and McCann regarding the time-dependent version of the problem are cornerstones of the field and form the basis for a variety of applications in other mathematical areas. For mu,nu probability measures on R^d, increasing in convex order, stretched Brownian motion provides an analogue for the martingale version of this problem. We provide a characterization in terms of gradients of convex func- tions, similar to the characterization of optimizers in classical optimal transport. We use stretched Brownian motion to extend Kellerer’s theorem on the existence of Markov martingales for given marginal distributions to the d-dimensional case. While this celebrated theorem is known for 50 years in the one-dimensional case, this is the first version pertaining to the d-dimensional case. We also provide a gradient flow to find the optimizer of stretched Brownian motion in the irreducible case. Joint work with M. Beiglboeck, J. Backhoff, B. Robinson, and B. Tschiderer.
Talks in Financial and Insurance MathematicsOptimal martingale transport on R^dread_more |
HG G 43 |
17:15 - 18:45 |
Prof. Dr. David Loeffler UniDistance Suisse |
In the 17th century, Pierre de Fermat stated – and claimed to have proved – an elegant mathematical theorem, stating that a certain equation has no solutions in the whole numbers. Generations of mathematicians tried to find a proof of this theorem, but the problem resisted attack for more than 350 years, until it was solved in 1995 by Andrew Wiles and Richard Taylor. Professor David Loeffler will explain the problem, and some of the beautiful and intricate ideas that played a role in its solution; and he will explain some more recent mathematical developments arising from the same circle of ideas which are still the focus of intense research today.
Number Theory SeminarMore information: https://fernuni.ch/mathematik-und-informatik/event/lecon-inaugurale-david-loefflercall_made Inaugural Lecture : The Legacy of Fermat's last Theoremread_more |
UniDistance Suisse & online, Schinerstrasse 18, 3900 Brig |
Friday, 6 December | |||
Time | Speaker | Title | Location |
14:15 - 15:15 |
Prof. Dr. Philippe MICHEL EPFL |
A few months ago, Etienne fouvry, Emmanuel Kowalski and myself
initiated the study of "mixed" moments of $L$-functions
of Dirichlet characters of prime modulus $q$.
The mixed second moments are of the shape
$$\sum_{\chi\mod q}L(\chi^a,1/2)L(\chi^b,1/2)$$
with $a$ and $b$ non-zero integers not necessarily equal (hence the
term "mixed"; we could establish an asymptotic formula for these
moments when $q$ is large, with a power saving error term in $q$.
In this talk, I will explain what we (EF, EK, myself together with Will
Sawin) can currently prove in the much more complicated case of
cubic mixed moments: moments of the shape
$$\sum_{\chi\mod q}L(\chi^a,1/2)L(\chi^b,1/2)L(\chi^c,1/2).$$
Our methods belong to the area of "applied $\ell$-adic cohomology" and
combine a variety of techniques from analytic number theory with the
theory of algebraic exponential sums, in particular the properties of
Kloosterman and hypergeometric sheaves studied by Katz.
Number Theory SeminarOn mixed cubic moments for Dirichlet L-functionsread_more |
HG G 43 |
15:15 - 16:15 |
Siddhartha Mishra ETHZ |
PDEs are considered to be language of physics as they provide mathematical descriptions of a whole range of physical phenomena. The complexity and prohibitive computational cost of traditional physics-based numerical schemes necessitates the search for fast and efficient surrogates, based on machine learning. In this lecture, we survey recent developments in the field of learning solution operators for PDEs by focussing on structure preserving neural operators and on foundation models for sample efficient and generalizable multi-operator learning. We also briefly discuss graph neural network based learning of PDEs on arbitrary domain geometries and conditional Diffusion models for learning multi-scale physical systems such as Turbulent Fluid Flows.
ZueKoSt: Seminar on Applied StatisticsLearning PDEsread_more |
HG G 19.1 |