
Call open for positions starting in autumn 2025

We now invite candidates to apply for positions starting in 2025. Deadline to hand in the application is 1 November 2024.


Hermann-​Weyl-Instructorships are prestigious postdoctoral positions, co-​funded by the FIM and the Department of Mathematics (D-​MATH) at ETH Zurich. These positions come with a low teaching duty and very competitive working conditions. Successful candidates spend three years at ETH, in an ideal research environment.

We welcome applicants in all areas of mathematics who obtained their phd diploma not more than three years ago.

About the Hermann-Weyl-Instructorship positions


Hermann-Weyl-Instructors are employed as postdocs for the period of three years.  


Every Hermann-Weyl-Instructor has a mentor at the Department of Mathematics at ETH Zurich.


Hermann-Weyl-Instructors are expected to participate in the teaching at the Department as follows: Supervising one exercise class per semester during two consecutive or non-consecutive semesters within the first two years. Furthermore, the assistance in the correction of exams is expected. The rest of the time can either be fully dedicated to research or combined with further teaching on an advanced level (to be discussed with the mentor).


The salary complies with ETH's salary plan for postdocs

Next call

The next call for positions starting in 2025 will open at the beginning of October 2024.