Weekly Bulletin

The FIM provides a Newsletter called FIM Weekly Bulletin, which is a selection of the mathematics seminars and lectures taking place at ETH Zurich and at the University of Zurich. It is sent by e-mail every Tuesday during the semester, or can be accessed here on this website at any time.

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FIM Weekly Bulletin


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Monday, 14 August
— no events scheduled —
Tuesday, 15 August
— no events scheduled —
Wednesday, 16 August
— no events scheduled —
Thursday, 17 August
— no events scheduled —
Friday, 18 August
Time Speaker Title Location
16:00 - 17:30 Prof. Dr. Qizheng Yin
Beijing University
The perverse filtration captures interesting homological information of algebraic maps. Recent studies of integrable systems (e.g. Hitchin systems, Beauville-Mukai systems) suggest two common features of the perverse filtration of abelian fibrations: 1) the perverse filtration is multiplicative with respect to the cup product; 2) the perversity of tautological classes is governed by the Chern degree. In this talk, I will explain a unified approach to both 1) and 2) for a natural class of abelian fibrations, namely fibrations in compactified Jacobians. I will discuss several ingredients from (coherent) derived categories, K-theory/Chow theory, and constructible categories, as well as some applications of our result. Joint work in progress with Davesh Maulik and Junliang Shen.
Algebraic Geometry and Moduli Seminar
Abelian fibrations, Perverse = Chern, and multiplicativity
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