Weekly Bulletin

The FIM provides a Newsletter called FIM Weekly Bulletin, which is a selection of the mathematics seminars and lectures taking place at ETH Zurich and at the University of Zurich. It is sent by e-mail every Tuesday during the semester, or can be accessed here on this website at any time.

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FIM Weekly Bulletin


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Monday, 10 July
Time Speaker Title Location
13:00 - 14:00 Prof. Dr. Satoshi Masaki
Hokkaido University
In this talk, we consider 2-coupled systems of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with cubic nonlinearities. One typical system in this class is the Manakov model. In the first part, we consider the classification of 2-coupled systems. The complete list of standard forms of systems with Hamiltonian structure is given. This is due to a representation of a system in terms of a pair of a matrix and a vector which clarifies the Hamiltonian structure of the systems. In the second part, we consider standing-wave solutions to the standard forms. To this end, we introduce an abstract treatment that is applicable to a wider class of N-coupled systems. It turns out that the existence / nonexistence and the shape of the ground state are well-described by the function determining the nonlinear potential part.
GAuS Seminar
On the standing-wave solutions to standard forms of a class of nonlinear Schrödinger systems
Online via Zoom
Tuesday, 11 July
— no events scheduled —
Wednesday, 12 July
Time Speaker Title Location
13:30 - 15:00 Prof. Dr. Hsian-Hua Tseng
Ohio State University
Virasoro constraints are conjectural differential equations satisfied by generating functions of descendant Gromov-Witten invariants of Kahler manifolds/orbifolds. In this talk, we will begin with reviewing Givental's formulation of these constraints. We will then discuss the following result, which is a joint work with T. Coates and A. Givental: For a toric bundle E-> B, Virasoro constraints hold for E if and only if they hold for B.
Algebraic Geometry and Moduli Seminar
Virasoro constraints for toric bundles
HG G 43
Thursday, 13 July
— no events scheduled —
Friday, 14 July
— no events scheduled —
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