Weekly Bulletin

The FIM provides a Newsletter called FIM Weekly Bulletin, which is a selection of the mathematics seminars and lectures taking place at ETH Zurich and at the University of Zurich. It is sent by e-mail every Tuesday during the semester, or can be accessed here on this website at any time.

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FIM Weekly Bulletin


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Monday, 5 June
Time Speaker Title Location
10:00 - 12:00 Miguel Abreu
Universidade de Lisboa
Toric contact manifolds provide an interesting class of contact manifolds. In this mini-​course we will introduce them, show how the ones with zero first Chern class can be determined by certain integral convex polytopes, called toric diagrams, and how to directly read relevant contact invariants from these toric diagrams. Plenty of hands-​on examples and some applications will be provided.

More information: https://math.ethz.ch/fim/activities/minicourses.html
FIM Minicourse
Toric Contact Manifolds
HG G 19.2
13:00 - 14:00 Prof. Dr. Haruya Mizutani
Osaka University
The Strichartz estimate is one of fundamental tools in the study of nonlinear dispersive equations. This talk deals with (global- in-time) Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger equations with potentials decaying at infinity. The case when the potential decays sufficiently fast has been extensively studied in the last three decades. However, it has remained mostly unknown for slowly decaying potentials in which case the standard perturbation argument does not work. We instead employ several techniques from long-range scattering theory and microlocal/semiclassical analysis, and prove Strichartz estimates for a class of positive potentials decaying arbitrarily slowly. A typical example is the positive Coulomb potential in three space dimensions. As an application, we also obtain a modified scattering type result for the final state problem of the nonlinear Schrödinger equations with long-range nonlinearity and potential. This is partly joint work with Masaki Kawamoto (Ehime University).
GAuS Seminar
Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger equations with long-range potentials
Online via Zoom
13:30 - 14:30 Dr. Thibault Lefeuvre
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche
The aim of this talk is to study the ergodicity of a class of partially hyperbolic flows constructed by taking unitary extensions to vector bundles of the geodesic flow over a closed negatively-curved manifold. We will show that, when the rank of the vector bundle is small compared to the dimension of the manifold, ergodicity can be completely characterized in geometric terms -- a certain connection admits no holonomy reduction. The proof combines classical hyperbolic dynamics, harmonic analysis, and, more surprisingly, real algebraic geometry (classification of polynomial maps between sphere). Joint work with Mihajlo Cekic.
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems seminar
Ergodicity of frame flows in low-rank
HG G 43
Tuesday, 6 June
— no events scheduled —
Wednesday, 7 June
Time Speaker Title Location
10:00 - 12:00 Miguel Abreu
Universidade de Lisboa
Toric contact manifolds provide an interesting class of contact manifolds. In this mini-​course we will introduce them, show how the ones with zero first Chern class can be determined by certain integral convex polytopes, called toric diagrams, and how to directly read relevant contact invariants from these toric diagrams. Plenty of hands-​on examples and some applications will be provided.

More information: https://math.ethz.ch/fim/activities/minicourses.html
FIM Minicourse
Toric Contact Manifolds
HG G 19.2
Thursday, 8 June
Time Speaker Title Location
15:15 - 16:15 Alexander Varchenko
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
I will review the construction of polynomial solutions of KZ equations modulo an integer and the properties of the solutions, in particular, their p-adic limit.
Talks in Mathematical Physics
Polynomial solutions of KZ equations modulo an integer
HG G 43
Friday, 9 June
Time Speaker Title Location
16:15 - 17:15 Elon Lindenstrauss
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
FIM Lecture
From projections to values of quadratic forms through homogenous dynamics
HG E 5
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