Doctoral students and habilitations

Doctoral students

I currently advise the following doctoral students:
Sabrina Bruckmeier

I was supervising the following doctoral theses:    

  • Ingo Stallknecht: "Distances between linear and integer optimal solutions in terms of subdeterminants" (2022).
  • Christoph Glanzer: "Properties of Integer Programs with Bounded Subdeterminants" (2021).
  • Stephan Artmann: "Optimization of bimodular integer programs and feasibility for three-modular base block IPs" (2019).
  • Jörg Bader: "Incremental Time Models and Reformulations of Integer Programs" (2019).
  • Kevin Zemmer: "Integer Polynomial Optimization in Fixed Dimension" (2017).
  • Timm Oertel: "Integer Convex Minimization in Low Dimensions" (2014).
  • Martin Ballerstein: "Convex Relaxations for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs" (2013).
  • Kathrin Ballerstein: "Logical Interaction Networks in Biology: Theory and Application" (2012).
  • Christian Wagner: "Maximal lattice-free polyhedra in mixed-integer cutting plane theory" (2011).
  • Dennis Michaels: "Discrete Optimization Techniques for Nonlinear Mixed-Integer Optimization Problems Arising from Chemical Engineering" (2007).
  • Utz-Uwe Haus: "An augmentation framework for integer programming" (2004).
  • Matthias Köppe: "Exact primal algorithms for general integer and mixed-integer linear programs" (2002).
  • Robert Firla: "The design of exponential neighborhoods: a primal approach to integer programming" (2002).
  • Bianca Spille: "Primal characterizations of combinatorial optimization problems" (2001).
  • Ralf Borndörfer: "Aspects of set packing, partitioning and covering" (1998, jointly with Martin Grötschel).
  • Regina Urbaniak: "Decomposition of generating sets and of integer programs" (1998).


The following members of my group obtained their habilitation in Magdeburg:

  • Annegret Wagler: "Beyond Perfection: On Relaxations and Superclasses." Habilitation thesis, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, January 2007.
  • Raymond Hemmecke: "Representations of lattice point sets: Theory, Algorithms, Applications." Habilitation thesis, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, 2006.
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