Prof. Dr. Rico Zenklusen

Prof. Dr. Rico Zenklusen
Full Professor at the Department of Mathematics
Deputy head of Institute for Operations Research
Brief bio
Before joining ETH Zurich, I held a faculty position at the Johns Hopkins University in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Prior to joining Hopkins, I spent several years as a postdoc at MIT and did a short postdoctoral stay at EPFL. I hold a master's degree in Mathematics from EPFL and a PhD from the Department of Mathematics at ETH Zurich.
Grant acknowledgments
I gratefully acknowledge the support from the ERC through my ERC Consolidator Grant ICOPT and from the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Research interests
I am interested in a wide range of problems within Combinatorial Optimization and its numerous applications. A main focus of the reserach done in my team is the design of fast algorithms for complex (mathematical) optimization problems by leveraging a variety of techniques and combinatorial structures, like matroids, submodular functions, and polyhedral methods. I also enjoy working on problems in various related fields such as Theoretical Computer Science and Graph Theory, and I have a broad interest in models and applications in Operations Research.
For more information about the research and collaborations done in my team, feel free to visit the corresponding parts of our group page.
Information for students
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