Actuarial Education "Actuary SAA"

General information for studies "Actuary SAA" at ETH Zurich

Since 1999, the courses in insurance mathematics (see) offered by RiskLab have officially been recognized by the Swiss Association of Actuaries (external page SAA) counting towards the "Actuary SAA" professional diploma. The title "Actuary SAA" is awarded by the SAA and is accredited at insurance companies Europe-wide.

Training as an "Actuary SAA" generally comprises two stages:

  1. Prospective candidates complete their academic studies in mathematics, applied mathematics, quantitative finance or physics. Actuarial training can be done as part of these academic programmes, and students at ETH Zurich can choose actuarial courses from our programmes.
  2. After graduation, candidates can apply to the SAA to complete their "Actuary SAA" professional education. Based on the applicant's CV, the SAA examination committee decides which additional courses the candidate still needs to complete. When candidates fulfil all conditions and have three years of actuarial work experience, they are admitted to the final colloquium organised by the SAA.

Practical information for "Actuary SAA" students at ETH Zurich

Candidates must apply for admission to the studies "Actuary SAA" at the SAA first (external page see for details). After being admitted for the studies by the SAA they must register at ETH Zurich for the "SAA - Actuary Training Programme". For detailed information Download see (PDF, 118 KB).

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