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Monday, 26 June
— no events scheduled —
Tuesday, 27 June
Time Speaker Title Location
14:15 - 16:00 Prof. Dr. Nikita Zhivotovskiy
University of California Berkeley, Department of Statistics
In statistical learning theory, determining the sample complexity of realizable binary classification for VC classes was a long-standing open problem. The results of Simon and Hanneke established sharp upper bounds in this setting. However, the reliance of their argument on the uniform convergence principle limits its applicability to more general learning settings such as multiclass classification. In this talk, we will discuss a simple technique that addresses this issue. We will present optimal high probability risk bounds through a framework that surpasses the limitations of uniform convergence arguments. In addition to binary classification, we will see applications in settings where uniform convergence is provably sub-optimal. For multiclass classification, we prove an optimal risk bound scaling with the one-inclusion hypergraph density of the class, addressing the suboptimality of the analysis by Daniely and Shalev-Shwartz. Based on joint work with Ishaq Aden-Ali, Yeshwanth Cherapanamjeri and Abhishek Shetty.
DACO Seminar
Optimal PAC Bounds without Uniform Convergence.
HG G 19.2
Wednesday, 28 June
— no events scheduled —
Thursday, 29 June
Time Speaker Title Location
09:30 - 11:00 Hanna Wutte
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Josef Teichmann
Doctoral Exam
A Take on Deep Learning in Finance: Uncertainty Quantification and Dynamic Decision Making
HG D 16.2
Friday, 30 June
Time Speaker Title Location
09:15 - 10:45 Marco Petrella
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Sid Mishra
Doctoral Exam
Multi-scale computations of compressible two-phase flow problems
HG G 19.1
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