The Department maintains a lively scientific environment, bringing together researchers from all areas of mathematics. Activities in basic research are complemented by interdisciplinary projects with other ETH departments and external partners.
Associated institutes and centers
Associated with the Department of Mathematics is the Institute for Mathematical Research (FIM), an independent unit of ETH Zurich founded in 1964. FIM entertains a visitor programme through which mathematicians from all over the world are invited to come to Zurich for doing research, teaching and exchanging knowledge.
In addition, the Institute for Theoretical Studies (ETH-ITS), founded in 2013, has an important role in bringing outstanding researchers – mainly in mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical computer science – for long-term stays to ETH Zurich.
Researchers of the Department of Mathematics are also actively involved in the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) external page SwissMAP an interdisciplinary research platform dedicated to projects at the intersection of mathematics and theoretical physics, in which ETH Zurich is one of the co-leading houses.