Mathematics Library
The Mathematics Library (MathBib) provides members of the Department of Mathematics as well as students of the degree programmes offered by the Department with mathematical literature and various other services.

Loan of books
The MathBib is a reference library. Members and guests to the Department can access and borrow books from the collection on a 24-hour basis. To search the collection use external page ETH Library @ swisscovery.
Our latest acquisitions are displayed at the information desk of the library.
Research platform
All library users have access to the entire scientific media holdings of Switzerland via a single research platform called external page swisscovery. In order to use the ETH libraries, you must register:
For more information and instructions for the registration see the notification given by the ETH Library.
Subscribe to our external page Instagram account to be updated about our latest exhibitions, special opening hours and more.
ETH Zurich
Department of Mathematics
HG G 7
Rämistrasse 101