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Monday, 19 December
Time Speaker Title Location
13:00 - 14:00 Jeffrey Näf
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Nicolai Meinshausen
Doctoral Exam
Distributional prediction, missing values, and tree ensembles
HG G 43
Tuesday, 20 December
Time Speaker Title Location
15:15 - 16:15 Prof. Dr. Annamaria Montanari
University of Bologna
Analysis Seminar
Fine properties of monotone mappings arising in optimal transport for non quadratic costs
HG G 43
16:30 - 18:00 Francesco Florian
Universität Zürich
Zurich Graduate Colloquium
What is... a hierarchical matrix?
KO2 F 150
Wednesday, 21 December
Time Speaker Title Location
15:45 - 16:45 Immanuel Van Santen
University of Basel
A starting point for the general study of embeddings of smooth real manifolds into highly symmetric smooth manifolds were the classical theorems of Whitney and Wu which assert that every smooth real manifold of dimension d≥1 properly embeds into the real Euclidean space of dimension R^(2d) and that two embeddings into R^(max(4,2d+1)) are the same up to diffeomorphisms. In this talk, we first address general embedding theorems for smooth affine algebraic varieties into complex Euclidean space due to Kaliman-Nori-Srinivas and Gromov-Eliashberg. Then we focus on the existence and uniqueness of embeddings of smooth affine varieties into complex linear algebraic groups up to algebraic (holomorphic) automorphisms of the underlying variety. This covers joint work with Peter Feller and Jérémy Blanc.
Geometry Seminar
On algebraic and holomorphic embeddings into linear algebraic groups
HG G 43
Thursday, 22 December
— no events scheduled —
Friday, 23 December
— no events scheduled —
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