All stories that have been tagged with D-MATH in the Media

In highly connected networks, there’s always a loop

D-MATH in the Media

Strangely curved shapes break 50-year-old geometry conjecture

D-MATH in the Media

Filoche and Mayboroda awarded 2024 Elias M. Stein Prize for New Perspectives in Analysis

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  • D-MATH in the Media
  • The latest honours and prizes

Turbulent Affairs: Scientists extend the limits of what we know about powerful flow phenomena

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Interview with Laura Kobel-Keller

D-MATH in the Media

Mathematical connect-the-dots reveals how structure emerges

D-MATH in the Media

Mathematicians clear hurdle in quest to decode primes

D-MATH in the Media

Mathematicians prove melting ice stays smooth

D-MATH in the Media

Career spotlight: Meike Akveld

D-MATH in the Media

Gesucht: Gottes Algorithmus

D-MATH in the Media

Statistics postdoc tames decades-old geometry problem

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  • SfS

Science Stories: interview with Peter Bühlmann

D-MATH in the Media

Frauen können Mathe – allen Widerständen zum Trotz

D-MATH in the Media

Hat die Schweiz ein Mathe-Problem?

D-MATH in the Media

Zeit für Irrfahrten

D-MATH in the Media

A Traveler Who Finds Stability in the Natural World

D-MATH in the Media

Alessio Figalli von der ETH Zürich steigt in den Olymp der Mathematik auf

D-MATH in the Media

"Es ist eine sehr intellektuelle Arbeit, die in gewisser Weise auch altmodisch ist"

D-MATH in the Media

Chi è Alessio Figalli, la seconda medaglia Fields italiana: "La matematica? Il lavoro più bello del mondo"

D-MATH in the Media

Grosse Ehre: ETH-Professor erhält Fields-Medaille

D-MATH in the Media

Italiano vince medaglia Fields, come Nobel matematica

D-MATH in the Media

Alan Baker obituary

D-MATH in the Media

Interview mit Paul Embrechts und Patrick Cheridito

  • D-MATH in the Media
  • RiskLab

Die Mathematik-Welt vereint in Luzern

D-MATH in the Media

El matematico del riesgo

  • D-MATH in the Media
  • IMSF
  • RiskLab

Der Mann, der den Zufall beherrscht

D-MATH in the Media

A new path to equal-angle lines

D-MATH in the Media

"Ich bin gerne frustriert"

D-MATH in the Media

"Mathematik ist etwas Edles"

D-MATH in the Media

Treffpunkt für Mathematiker aus aller Welt

D-MATH in the Media

Finanzmathematiker – beliebte Sündenböcke

D-MATH in the Media

Autoritätsperson oder Kollege?

D-MATH in the Media

Urner Professor sagt «Adieu ETH»

D-MATH in the Media

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