Colloquium in honour of Daniel Stoffer

On 30 April, guests and friends honoured the work of Prof. Daniel Stoffer with the special SAM colloquium: "Control of parasitic oscillations in linear multistep methods".
Doctoral exam of Luis Haug

Luis Haug successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled: "On Lagrangian quantum homology and Lagrangian cobordisms". Congratulations!
Antti Knowles: inaugural lecture

On 16 April, Prof. Antti Knowles gave his inaugural lecture entitled: "Universale Phänomene in Zufallsmatrizen". He has been professor at the Department since January 2014.
2014 Graduation Ceremony

On Friday 4 April, over hundred students celebrated the completion of their studies. The Departments of Mathematics and Physics warmly congratulate them on acquiring their Master's degree.
Doctoral exam of Nicoletta Gabrielli

Nicoletta Gabrielli successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled: "Affine processes from the perspective of path space valued Lévy processes". Congratulations!