Doctoral exam of Christian Kerkhoff

Christian Kerkhoff successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled: "Statistical methods to analyze climate model output". Congratulations!
Doctoral exam of Tatjana Simcevic

Tatjana Simcevic successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled: "A Hardy space approach to Lagrangian Floer gluing". Congratulations!
D-MATH and D-PHYS welcome their new students

Today around 360 new mathematics, physics and Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) students started their studies at the Departments of Mathematics and Physics. Representatives of the departments and study associations welcomed them and wished them every success in their studies.
5 balls, 2 hands, patterns of juggling - Colin Wright explains the mathematics behind juggling

This first lecture of a new series of lectures called "Vom Kindergarten bis zur Hochschule – Mathematik im Unterricht heute", presented by the Department of Mathematics and the Fachbereich Mathematik of the PH Zürich, gives a vivid presentation of how mathematical patterns can be found in juggling.
ETH Risk Day 2014: Mini-conference on risk management in finance and insurance

The 2014 conference celebrates 20 years from the establishment of the RiskLab at ETH Zurich around a team of scientists led by Prof. Paul Embrechts.