Will Merry and Rico Zenklusen: newly appointed assistant professors
The Department is delighted to welcome Prof. Will Merry and Prof. Rico Zenklusen as our new faculty members.
Will Merry works on symplectic and contact dynamics and Floer theory. Rico Zenklusen is a member of the Institute for Operations Research and his research interests are in combinatorial optimization and its applications.
Excerpt from the ETH-Board media release

Dr Will Merry (*1984), currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at ETH Zurich, as Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Will Merry works on symplectic and contact geometry. This field of research has developed very rapidly, forging cross-connections with many other areas of mathematics and theoretical physics. Will Merry is already one of the world's leading experts on «Rabinowitz Floer homology», a key branch of symplectic and contact geometry. His broad-based research orientation, international reputation and dynamic teaching style greatly enrich ETH Zurich and the Department of Mathematics.

Dr Rico Zenklusen (*1981), currently Senior Scientist at ETH Zurich, as Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Rico Zenklusen is a world leader among the younger generation of scientists in the field of combinatorial optimisation. In his research he makes use of combinatorial and probabilistic methods, among others, and also investigates applications of combinatorial optimisation in other scientific disciplines. With the appointment of Rico Zenklusen, ETH Zurich is gaining a highly creative and communicative mathematician who will enable the Department of Mathematics and the Institute for Operations Research to broaden the range of subjects they cover.