Habib Ammari: newly appointed professor
We warmly welcome our new faculty member Prof. Habib Ammari.
He is a world expert in several areas of applied mathematics and member of the Seminar of Applied Mathematics.
ETH Board media release excerpt

Professor Habib Ammari (*1969), currently Director of Research at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) in Paris, France, and Professor of Applied Mathematics at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris, as Full Professor of Applied Mathematics.
Habib Ammari is a world expert in several areas of applied mathematics. His research is notable for its breadth as well as its mathematical rigour and depth. He is currently working on mathematical principles and numerical methods in relation to imaging, which is a research focus of several departments at ETH Zurich. The appointment of Habib Ammari strengthens ETH Zurich's leading role in this and other fields of mathematics. (Media release ETH Board, 6 March 2015)