Paul Embrechts: honorary member

The Institut des actuaires appointed Prof. Paul Embrechts as an honorary member. Read the interview in l'actuariel.
FIM Conference: Geometric non-linear analysis - Conference on the occasion of Michael Struwe's 60th birthday

The conference on geometric non-linear analysis honours Prof. Michael Stuwe on his 60th birthday. It has started today, will last until 12 June 2015 and is organized by Michael Eichmair (University of Vienna), Gerhard Huisken (MFO) and Tristan Rivière (D-MATH).
Treffpunkt für Mathematiker aus aller Welt

Das Forschungsinstitut für Mathematik der ETH dient Mathematikern aus aller Welt zum Gedankenaustausch. Jetzt feiert es mit einer Fachkonferenz sein 50-jähriges Bestehen.
Symposium: 50 Years of Mathematics at the FIM

50 years ago the Institute for Mathematical Research FIM was founded by ETH Professor Beno Eckmann (1917 - 2008).
Alessandro Sisto: newly appointed assistant professor

We warmly welcome our new faculty member, Prof. Alessandro Sisto.