Patrick Cheridito: inaugural lecture

On 23 November, Professor Patrick Cheridito gave his inaugural lecture entitled: "Risk, uncertainty and insurance contracts". He has been professor at the Department since June 2016.
Habib Ammari and Peter Bühlmann: 2016 Highly Cited Researchers

Professors Habib Ammari and Peter Bühlmann have been selected to the list of "Highly Cited Researchers 2016" published by Clarivate Analytics.
Ana Cannas da Silva: 2016 Golden Owl

The student association VSETH has awarded the 2016 Golden Owl to Dr Ana Cannas da Silva, senior scientist at the Department of Mathematics.
Dietmar Salamon: AMS Steele Prize

Dietmar Salamon will receive the 2017 Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition from the American Mathematical Society (AMS).
Giovanni Alberti: assistant professor position

ETH Fellow Giovanni Alberti was offered an assistant professor position at the University of Genoa, Italy, starting on 1 December 2016. We thank Giovanni for his great work and wish him all the best for the future.