Vincent Tassion: 2019 Rollo Davidson Prize
Vincent Tassion has received the 2019 Rollo Davidson Prize in recognition of his extensive achievements in disordered systems and percolation.

Vincent Tassion has been an assistant professor at the Department since January 2017. His area of research covers phase transitions in statistical physics models, such as percolation or the Ising model. In recent years, Vincent Tassion has grappled with a number of unanswered questions in this area, including for models in three-dimensional space.
The external page Rollo Davidson Trust was founded in 1975 in memory of Rollo Davidson, an accomplished mathematician of remarkable potential, and Fellow-elect of Churchill College, Cambridge, who died on the Piz Bernina in 1970. Rollo's obituary can be found here. Initial funding from the Trust came from the royalties of two collections of papers published in 1973/74 by friends and colleagues of Rollo. The Trust awards an annual Prize for young probabilists and has benefited from the continuing association with the Davidson family.