On Friday 24 May, Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) students celebrated the completion of their studies together with their family and friends.

Enlarged view: Master graduates in Mathematics, Statistics, CSE
Master graduates in Mathematics, Statistics, CSE

The Graduation Ceremony was opened by Professor Robert Weismantel, Chair of the Department of Mathematics, followed by the guest speaker Professor Wendelin Werner. Study representative Meta Lina Spohn and Robert Salzmann, delegate of Math • Phys Alumni, gave a speech and wished the graduates all the best for their future.

As a part of the ceremony, outstanding Master's theses have been honoured with the ETH Medal and the best students in every Master's degree programme have received the Willi Studer Prize.

ETH Medal

  • Salomé Walthard: "Design and implementation of an algorithm for the systematic isomer enumeration of small organic molecules", under the guidance of Prof. Philippe Hünenberger, MSc CSE
  • Philippe von Wurstemberger: "An introduction to stochastic gradient descent optimization methods and artificial neural networks", under the guidance of Prof. Arnulf Jentzen, MSc Mathematik
Enlarged view: ETH Medal, Robert Weismantel, Salomé Walthard
Robert Weismantel and Salomé Walthard
Enlarged view: Robert Weismantel, Philippe von Wurstemberger, Arnulf Jentzen
Robert Weismantel, Philippe von Wurstemberger and Arnulf Jentzen

Willi Studer Prizes

  • Ibrahim El Taki El Homsi, MSc Mathematik
  • Alessandro Lägeler, MSc Mathematik
  • Lisa Ricci, MSc Mathematik
  • Harprit Singh, MSc Mathematik
  • Raphael Suter, MSc Statistik
  • Jerome Wettstein, MSc Mathematik 
  • Bian Wu, MSc CSE
Enlarged view: Willi Studer Prize winner
Ibrahim El Taki El Homsi, Raphael Suter, Lisa Ricci, Bian Wu, Harprit Singh, Alessandro Lägeler, Jerome Wettstein
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