Gisbert Wüstholz: Frontiers of Mathematics Lecture

We are delighted to announce that Professor Gisbert Wüstholz will deliver the 2019 Frontiers of Mathematics Lecture organized by the University of Hong Kong.

Enlarged view: Gisbert Wüstholz

Gisbert Wüstholz has been professor emeritus at the Department since 2013. He received his PhD at the University of Freiburg, his Habilitation at the University of Wuppertal and the University of Bonn. His research interests cover number theory and algebraic geometry, in particular the theory of transcendental numbers.  

Highlights of his scientific work are the multiplicity estimates on group varieties, the analytic subgroup theorem and, together with D. Masser, isogeny estimates for abelian varieties, all published in the Annals of Mathematics. Further highlights are joint work with Gerd Faltings on Schmidt's subspace theorem and joint work with Alan Baker on logarithmic forms including a monograph entitled: "Logarithmic Forms and Diophantine Geometry" that appeared in the New Mathematical Monographs, Cambridge University Press.

Since 2011 he has served as senator at the National German Academy of Science - Leopoldina, since 2003 he has been elected member of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Academy of Sciences and Humanities, in 2011 he was elected as a member of the Academia Europaea and in 2016 as a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.

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