ETH medals for three doctoral students

Mads Bisgaard, Matthew Kwan and Dominik Rothenhäusler have been awarded an ETH Medal for their outstanding doctoral theses. Congratulations!

Mads Bisgaard and his examniors

Mads Bisgaard has received the ETH Medal for his doctoal thesis enttiteld: "Quantitative aspects of Lagrangian cobordism theory and Mather-Floer Theory". He was a former doctoral student of Paul Biran at the symplectic and algebraic geometry group.

Matthew Kwan and his examniors

Matthew Kwan has received the ETH Medal for his doctoal thesis enttiteld: "Probabilistic reasoning in combinatorics". He was a former doctoral student of Benny Sudakov in the combinatorics group.

Dominik Rothenhäusler and his examniors

Dominik Rothenhäusler has received the ETH Medal for his doctoal thesis enttiteld: "Causal models for heterogeneous data". He was a former doctoral student of Nicolai Meinshausen at the Seminar for Statistics.

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