Three professors elected to Academia Europaea
We are delighted to announce that Alessio Figalli, Emmanuel Kowalsky and Benny Sudakov have been elected members of the Academia Europaea.

Alessio Figalli has been professor at the Department since 2016 and Director of the Institute for Mathematical Research (FIM) since September 2019. Alessio Figalli carries out research across the whole spectrum of mathematics, focusing in particular on the calculus of variations, optimal transportation in relation to partial differential equations and random matrices.

Emmanuel Kowalski has been professor at the Department since 2008. His research domain is analytic number theory with a focus on interactions with other areas of mathematics, and especially exponential sums over finite fields and with probabilistic ideas.

Benny Sudakov has been professor at the Department since 2013. His main research interests are combinatorics and its applications to other areas of mathematics and computer science.
Academia Europaea
The object of external page Academia Europaea is the advancement and propagation of excellence in scholarship in the humanities, law, the economic, social, and political sciences, mathematics, medicine, and all branches of natural and technological sciences anywhere in the world for the public benefit and for the advancement of the education of the public of all ages. The aim of the Academy is to promote European research, advise governments and international organisations in scientific matters, and further interdisciplinary and international research.