"It’s much more difficult to spend every day working alone at home than it is to come to ETH."
Max Reinhardt is a mathematics Bachelor’s student in his sixth semester and is the vice president of the VMP, the Association of Mathematics, Physics and CSE Students at ETH Zurich. In this interview, he talks about what it has been like for him and his fellow students to have to stay away from ETH, and what his experience of switching to remote teaching has been.
"I’m sure this situation will give rise to many new ideas on how events can be organised."

Afonso Bandeira is Professor of Mathematics in the field of data science. He has been at the Department since September 2019. This Spring Semester he has taught the Mathematics of Data Science lecture, which is a course for Master’s degree students. Like many scientists, he works closely with colleagues from all over the world. In this interview, he tells us how the coronavirus pandemic has affected his teaching and research life.
"I think we’ll probably develop a more relaxed attitude to distance learning."
As a member of the MELETE group, Dr Andreas Steiger works together with colleagues on evaluating new teaching practices. ETH’s switch to running its academic operations entirely online gave him an opportunity to share the expertise he has amassed in this role. In this interview, he talks about his experience of the Department moving online.
"The switch to the new format went extremely well."
Valentin Bosshard is doctoral student at the Department. Together with lecturer Professor Peter Jossen and around 20 student teaching assistants, he helps to run lectures and exercises classes for approximately 500 Bachelor’s degree students of the Analysis lecture. In this interview, he talks about how the Department made a quick change to remote teaching and what challenges it had to overcome.
Roger Käppeli: Senior Scientist position

Dr Roger Käppeli has been Senior Scientist at the Seminar for Applied Mathematics (SAM) since June 2020.