Welcome to ETH Zurich!
On yesterday's Welcome Day over 400 new students from the Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Science and Engineering programmes had their first day at ETH.
Finally, the corridors, hallways and lecture halls in the ETH Main Building were full again. Full of students who had come to ETH to start their Bachelor's or Master's studies at the Department or to spend a semester here in Zurich as exchange students.

The new students were welcomed by Rector Sarah Springman via video message and informed about the newly introduced corona virus certificate requirement. Afterwards, Director of Studies Paul Biran gave the students a brief insight into the Department and some initial general tips on studying, which were then deepened by the protected page Study Advisors Andreas Steiger, Markus Kalisch and Vasile Gradinaru.
In addition to the information on the content and structure of the study programmes, important contact points such as the Study Administration, the Mathematics Library and the Student Services were also introduced. Members of the Association of Mathematics, Physics and CSE Students at ETH, the VMP, presented the services of the association like for example the get-to-know weekend for Bachelor's students. The day ended with an Orientierungslauf for Bachelor's students and a BBQ on the Hönggerberg for the Master's and exchange students also organised by the VMP. This gave the newcomers a first opportunity to get to know their fellow students and to conclude this eventful day.