Menny Akka and Emmanuel Kowalski: Séminaires Bourbaki
We are pleased to announce that Menny Akka Ginosar and Emmanuel Kowalski have the honour to present at the Séminaires Betty B. and N. Bourbaki.

The talk of Emmanuel Kowalski on 26 November at the Séminaire Betty B. is meant to accompany the talk of Uli Wagner on High-dimensional expanders on 27 November. It will explain the basic definition and remarkable applications of expander graphs.
Emmanuel Kowalski has been professor at the Department since 2008.

On 27 November, Menny Akka Ginosar will give a lecture at the Séminaire N. Bourbaki. In his talk he will survey the work of M. Einsiedler and E. Lindenstrauss about classification of joinings of higher-rank torus actions and its applications, some of which were found by him and his co-authors.
Menny Akka Ginosar has been a senior scientist at the Department since 2016. His research area is homogeneous dynamics and its interplay with number theory and group theory.