Walter Saxer Prize 2023
The 2023 Walter Saxer Prize goes to Gabriele Visentin for his doctoral thesis and to Rebecca Morger for her Master's thesis. Congratulations!
Dr Gabriele Visentin
Received the prize for his doctoral thesis:
Download Essays on portfolio credit risk (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Supervised by Professor Ashkan Nikeghbali (University of Zurich)
Rebecca Morger
Received the prize for her Master's thesis:
Download Imputation algorithms with principal component analysis for financial data (PDF, 2.8 MB)
Supervised by Professor Patrick Cheridito (D-MATH), Dr Pawel Kuczera and Dr Philipp Arbenz (SCOR).
The award ceremony of the 2023 Walter Saxer-Versicherungs-Hochschulpreis (Insurance prize) took place at ETH Zurich. At this occasion, Philipp Muri, Head of Insurance Supervision Division at the Federal Office of Public Health gave a talk on "Steigende Gesundheitskosten: Müssen wir uns an stärker steigende Krankenkassenprämien gewöhnen?".