Magic maths cards tricks

As part of the STEM week at MNG Rämibühl, a group of students visited the Department. After a brief introduction to the study programme, the students had the opportunity to test their problem-solving skills to unravel the secrets of mathematical card tricks.

Participants ETH-Tag MNG Rämibühl
Valentin and Maybritt together with the workshop participants from MNG Rämibühl (Department of Mathematics, ETH Zurich)

Every year in February, the ETH Student Advisory Service organises an ETH Day for the students of MNG Rämibühl. Several departments are involved and offer the students a varied programme that includes everything from presentations of the respective study programmes to laboratory tours and workshops and much more. The Department of Mathematics has also been taking part for a few years now and usually offers a short introduction to its study programme followed by a workshop on a mathematical topic.

For this year's workshop: Maths magic card tricks, the two doctoral students Maybritt Schilinger and Valentin Bosshard slipped into the roles of magician and assistant and presented a card trick that could be unravelled by the participants using mathematical methods.

The event concluded with a tour of the main building, the cafeteria and other places on campus.


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