2024 Graduation Ceremony
Last week, students of the Master's degree programmes in Mathematics, Statistics as well as Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) celebrated their successful graduation. Congratulations and all the best for the future!

The Graduation Ceremony was opened by Professor Johanna Ziegel, Deputy Director of Studies MSc Statistics, followed by the guest speakers Christoph Stadtfeld, Associate Professor of Social Networks at ETH Zurich and co-director of the ETH Social Networks Lab as well as Angel Maria Garcia Lopez de Haro graduate of the Master's programme in statistics.
As a part of the ceremony, outstanding Master's theses have been honoured with the ETH Medal and the best graduates in every Master's degree programme were awarded the Willi Studer Prize.
ETH Medals
Bogdan Raonic for his thesis in mathematics entiteld "Convolutional neural operators operator learning for PDEs" supported by Professor Siddhartha Mishra.
Jaime Gómez Ramírez for his thesis in mathematics entiteld "Stability of Faber-Krahn inequalities in time-frequency analysis" supported by Professor Alessio Figalli.
Enric Florit I Simon for his thesis in mathematics entiteld "Yau's conjecture for nonlocal minimal surfaces" supported by Professor Joaquim Serra.
Yang Pan for his thesis in CSE entitled: "Metric entropy limits on recurrent neural network learning for Lipschitz fading memory systems" supported by Professor Helmut Bölcskei.

Willi Studer Prizes
- Xenia Céline Eisler (MSc Mathematics)
- Cosmin Manea (MSc Mathematics)
- Timo Joel Ottiger (MSc Mathematics)
- Jean-Luc Portner (MSc Mathematics)
- Mateo Rodríguez Polo (MSc Mathematics)
- Elia Aldo Lajos Mazzucchelli (MSc Mathematics, absent)
- Joppe Johannes de Bruin (MSc Statistics)
- Yang Pan (MSc CSE)