The following list gives an overview of the range of courses and seminars offered by the unit:
- specific regular courses in the mathematics curriculum:
probability theory (discrete time stochastic processes), applied stochastic processes, Brownian motion and stochastic processes, topology. - advanced courses on a less regular basis:
Markov chains, large deviations, percolation, random walks on graphs, SLEs, large random matrices, Gaussian free field, concentration of measure, random walks in random environment etc... - (student) seminars:
yearly undergraduate level student seminar in probability (run jointly with the University of Zurich, during the Spring term).
yearly doctoral level student seminar in probability (run jointly with the University of Zurich, during the Fall term, with topics such as “Conformal invariance of spin correlations in the planar Ising model”, “The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model”,
“Cover times and Gaussian free field”, “Universality for Wigner matrices” etc...). - regular service courses:
probability and statistics for electrical engineering students.