PDE and mathematical physics


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Frühjahrssemester 2020

Datum / Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
27. Februar 2020
Dr. Jacek Jendrej
Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord

PDE and Mathematical Physics

Titel [Video] Strongly interacting kink-antikink pairs for scalar fields on a line
Referent:in, Affiliation Dr. Jacek Jendrej, Université Sorbonne Paris-Nord
Datum, Zeit 27. Februar 2020, 18:10-19:10
Ort Y27 H 35/36
Abstract Abstract: I will present a recent joint work with Michal Kowalczyk and Andrew Lawrie. A nonlinear wave equation with a double-well potential in 1+1 dimension admits stationary solutions called kinks and antikinks, which are minimal energy solutions connecting the two minima of the potential. We study solutions whose energy is equal to twice the energy of a kink, which is the threshold energy for a formation of a kink-antikink pair. We prove that, up to translations in space and time, there is exactly one kink-antikink pair having this threshold energy. I will explain the main ingredients of the proof. ,Slides
[Video] Strongly interacting kink-antikink pairs for scalar fields on a lineread_more
Y27 H 35/36
7. Mai 2020
Dr. Martí Prats
Department of Mathematics, Aalto University

PDE and Mathematical Physics

Titel Title T.B.A.
Referent:in, Affiliation Dr. Martí Prats, Department of Mathematics, Aalto University
Datum, Zeit 7. Mai 2020, 18:10-19:10
Ort Y27 H 35/36
Title T.B.A.
Y27 H 35/36

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Organisatoren:innen: Mikaela Iacobelli, Thomas Kappeler, Xavier Ros-Oton, Benjamin Schlein

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