Talks in financial and insurance mathematics
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Frühjahrssemester 2018
Datum / Zeit | Referent:in | Titel | Ort | ||||||||||
8. März 2018 17:15-18:15 |
Sergio Pulido ENSIIE |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
HG G 43 |
15. März 2018 17:15-18:15 |
Johannes Muhle-Karbe Carnegie Mellon |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
HG G 43 |
12. April 2018 17:15-18:15 |
Matthias Fahrenwaldt Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
HG G 43 |
19. April 2018 17:15-18:15 |
Loriano Mancini Università della Svizzera Italiana |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
HG G 43 |
3. Mai 2018 17:15-18:15 |
Daniel Bauer University of Alabama |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
HG G 43 |
10. Mai 2018 |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
17. Mai 2018 17:15-18:15 |
Eckhard Platen University of Technolgy Sidney |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
HG G 43 |
24. Mai 2018 17:15-18:15 |
Donatien Hainaut UC Louvain |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
HG G 43 |
29. Mai 2018 16:00-17:00 |
Ying Hu Université de Rennes 1 |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
HG G 19.1 |
31. Mai 2018 17:15-18:15 |
Daniel Lacker Columbia University |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
HG G 43 |
14. Juni 2018 15:15-16:15 |
Ruodu Wang University of Waterloo |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
HG G 43 |
6. Juli 2018 15:00-16:00 |
Samuel Drapeau Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
HG G 43 |
Organisatoren:innen: Matteo Burzoni