Internal loan
The MathBib is a reference library. Books cannot be borrowed and taken home. Members of the Department of Mathematics with an office in the main building, however, can borrow books for 90 days via the self-check station and take them to their office.
Journals cannot be borrowed. To make copies, you may use the copier in the copy room.
Registration for a library account
To borrow books of the ETH libraries and to use the self-check station at the MathBib, it's necessary to register for a library accout. Find more information and the registration instructions here.
Renewing a book
After the loan has expired, books can be renewed.
Books can only be renewed by the staff at the MathBib.
Returning a book
If you want to return a book to the MathBib, please place it in "Buchrückgabe" on the left side of the information desk.
For D-MATH members with a library account it's possible to order books of the MathBib. Once a reservation is confirmed, a notification is sent and the reserved book can be picked up at the high desk next to the self-check station at the MathBib. It's necessary to borrow the ordered book on the person's library account at the self-check or at the counter by the library staff. For reservations of books or documents of other ETH Libraries or libraries of swisscovery read more in the instructions by the ETH Library.