The approximately 70 workplaces are primarily intended for students of the study programmes in mathematics, physics, statistics, as well as computational science and engineering.
There is one computer for book searches on Swisscovery.
To scan and copy documents or print them via the Print Service for students.
You find more information on the ETH Print Service (e.g. how to transfer money or request a refund) on this site.
Cloakroom with lockers
There are day lockers and personal lockers available. Students with library accounts can borrow personal locker keys at the beginning of each semester. Personal lockers are available from the first Tuesday of fall semesters and first Mondays in spring semesters. The due date for borrowed lockers cannot be extended.
Self-checkout terminal
Only for internal loans (Department of Mathematics staff)
The MathBib is a reference library. Books cannot be borrowed and taken home. Members of the Department of Mathematics with an office in the main building, however, can borrow books for 90 days via the self-checkout terminal and take them to their office. More information about the internal loan service.
Together with the ETH Library and the ETH IT Services the MathBib organizes training courses for mathematics students. The contents of the training courses are available on the MathBib Moodle (German).
The MathBib welcomes suggestions from our users for the acquisition of materials which support the Department's teaching and research programmes. To do so, please use the protected page acquisition request form.