Evelina Viada: newly appointed assistant professor
The D-MATH is delighted to welcome Prof. Evelina Viada as our new faculty member.
ETH Board media release excerpt

Professor Evelina Viada (*1973), currently Assistant Professor at the University of Basel, as Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Evelina Viada's research area is number theory with a focus on diophantine and arithmetical geometry. She is a leading specialist in this dynamic field of mathematics. At ETH Zurich, Evelina Viada will significantly strengthen the group working on number theory and will contribute her proven expertise to the Department of Mathematics. The assistant professorship is fully funded by the grant awarded to Evelina Viada by the Swiss National Science Foundation for an SNSF professorship, and is limited to the duration of the latter.
Media release ETH Board, 19 September 2014