2017 Graduation Ceremony

On Friday 19 May, Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) students celebrated the completion of their studies together with their family and friends.

The Graduation Ceremony was opened by Professor Mete Soner, Deputy Chair of the Department of Mathematics, followed by the external guest speaker Dr Daniel Stekhoven and study representative Julia Wysling.

Enlarged view: 2017 graduates in Mathematics, Statistics and CSE
2017 graduates in Mathematics, Statistics and CSE

ETH Medal and Willi Studer Prize

As a part of the Ceremony, outstanding Master's theses were honoured with the ETH Medal and the best students in every Master's degree programme received the Willi Studer Prize.

ETH Medal

  • Christoph Glanzer: "A combinatorial approach towards integer programming with small sub-determinants", under the guidance of Professor Robert Weismantel, Mathematics

Willi Studer Prizes

  • Brunella Torricelli, Mathematics
  • Thijs Vogels, CSE
Enlarged view: Thijs Vogels, Mete Soner, Brunella Torricelli
Willi Studer Prize winners Thijs Vogels and Brunella Torricelli together with Mete Soner
Enlarged view: Robert Weismantel, Christoph Glanzer, Mete Soner
ETH Medal winner Christoph Glanzer together with Robert Weismantel and Mete Soner
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