Historical overview
In October 1976, a three-day meeting devoted to numerical analysis was held at the EPFL in Lausanne. The organizers, J. Descloux and J. Marti, suggested that similar reunions of Swiss numerical analysts should take place on a regular basis. In an informal discussion at the Rutishauser Symposion in October 1980, organized by W. Gander, P. Henrici and J. Marti at the ETH Zürich, it was considered suitable to restrict the event to one day. As of 1981, annual meetings took place except for the years 1996, 1998, and 2000-2004, under the name "Journée Suisse d'Analyse Numérique / Schweizer Tagung über Numerische Mathematik". The colloquium tradition has been revived in 2005 by Profs. M. Chipot and S. Sauter from Universität Zürich with the "Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium / Colloque Numérique Suisse".