Number theory seminar


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Spring Semester 2025

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
21 February 2025
Francesco Naccarato
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Number Theory Seminar

Title Title tba: Francesco Naccarato
Speaker, Affiliation Francesco Naccarato, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Date, Time 21 February 2025, 14:15-15:15
Location HG G 43
Title tba: Francesco Naccarato
HG G 43
28 February 2025
Dr. Ananyo Kazi
UniDistance Suisse

Number Theory Seminar

Title Title tba: Ananyo Kazi
Speaker, Affiliation Dr. Ananyo Kazi, UniDistance Suisse
Date, Time 28 February 2025, 14:15-15:15
Location HG G 43
Title tba: Ananyo Kazi
HG G 43
7 March 2025
Dr. Seoyoung Kim

Number Theory Seminar

Title Title tba: Seoyoung Kim
Speaker, Affiliation Dr. Seoyoung Kim, UBasel
Date, Time 7 March 2025, 14:15-15:15
Location HG G 43
Title tba: Seoyoung Kim
HG G 43
21 March 2025
Dr. Luca Marannino

Number Theory Seminar

Title Title tba: Luca Marannino
Speaker, Affiliation Dr. Luca Marannino, CNRS
Date, Time 21 March 2025, 14:15-15:15
Location HG G 43
Title tba: Luca Marannino
HG G 43
2 May 2025
Dr. Ju-Feng Wu
University College Dublin

Number Theory Seminar

Title Title tba: Ju-Feng Wu
Speaker, Affiliation Dr. Ju-Feng Wu, University College Dublin
Date, Time 2 May 2025, 14:15-15:15
Location HG G 43
Title tba: Ju-Feng Wu
HG G 43

Notes: the highlighted event marks the next occurring event.

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