Research seminars

The Department of Mathematics regularly holds seminars, lectures and colloquia organised by the research groups and the institutes.

Upcoming seminars

11.03.2025 | 15:15

Analysis Seminar

On the dissipation regularity for incompressible Euler – Marco Inversi (Universität Basel) in HG G 43

11.03.2025 | 16:30

Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

Random perturbation of Toeplitz matrices – Charles Bordenave (Université Aix Marseille) in KO2 F 150

12.03.2025 | 13:30

Ergodic theory and dynamical systems seminar

Quasi-Fuchsian flows and the coupled vortex equations – Dr. Mihajlo Cekic (Universität Zürich) in HG G 19.1

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