Number theory seminar


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Spring Semester 2020

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
21 February 2020
Maxim Gerspach
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Number Theory Seminar

Title Pseudomoments of the Riemann zeta function
Speaker, Affiliation Maxim Gerspach, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Date, Time 21 February 2020, 14:15-15:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract The pseudomoments of the Riemann zeta function are the moments of the partial sums associated with zeta on the critical line. Using probabilistic methods of Harper, we provide bounds which give the order of magnitude of all pseudomoments. We also provide upper and lower bounds for the pseudomoments of the powers of zeta that are almost-matching when combined with previous bounds of Bondarenko, Heap and Seip, and behave in a somewhat different manner than perhaps expected at first. In this talk, I will try to explain heuristically why the results are in fact reasonable to expect and give some insight into the proof strategy.
Pseudomoments of the Riemann zeta functionread_more
HG G 43
6 March 2020
Dr. Sarah Peluse
Oxford University

Number Theory Seminar

Title An asymptotic version of the prime power conjecture for perfect difference sets
Speaker, Affiliation Dr. Sarah Peluse, Oxford University
Date, Time 6 March 2020, 14:15-15:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract A subset D of a finite cyclic group Z/mZ is called a "perfect difference set" if every nonzero element of Z/mZ can be written uniquely as the difference of two elements of D. If such a set exists, then a simple counting argument shows that m=n^2+n+1 for some nonnegative integer n. Singer constructed examples of perfect difference sets in Z/(n^2+n+1)Z whenever n is a prime power, and it is an old conjecture that these are the only such n for which a perfect difference set exists. In this talk, I will discuss a proof of an asymptotic version of this conjecture: the number of n less than N for which Z/(n^2+n+1)Z contains a perfect difference set is ~N/log(N).
An asymptotic version of the prime power conjecture for perfect difference setsread_more
HG G 43
20 March 2020
Prof. Dr. Jörg Brüdern
Universität Göttingen

Number Theory Seminar

Title The circle method and limit periodic functions
Speaker, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Jörg Brüdern, Universität Göttingen
Date, Time 20 March 2020, 14:15-15:15
Location HG G 43
The circle method and limit periodic functions (CANCELLED)
HG G 43
3 April 2020
Prof. Dr. Ana Caraiani
Imperial College

Number Theory Seminar

Title Title T.B.A.
Speaker, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Ana Caraiani, Imperial College
Date, Time 3 April 2020, 14:15-15:15
Location HG G 43
HG G 43
* 17 April 2020

Number Theory Seminar

Title No Seminar (Easter Vacation)
Speaker, Affiliation
Date, Time 17 April 2020,
Location HG G 43
No Seminar (Easter Vacation)
HG G 43
* 1 May 2020

Number Theory Seminar

Title No Seminar (May 1st)
Speaker, Affiliation
Date, Time 1 May 2020,
Location HG G 43
No Seminar (May 1st)
HG G 43

Notes: events marked with an asterisk (*) indicate that the time and/or location are different from the usual time and/or location.

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