Talks in financial and insurance mathematics


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Spring Semester 2010

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
25 February 2010

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title No seminar
Speaker, Affiliation
Date, Time 25 February 2010, 17:15-18:15
No seminar
4 March 2010
Prof. Dr. Umut Cetin


Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title Dynamic Markov Bridges and Insider Trading
Speaker, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Umut Cetin,
Date, Time 4 March 2010, 17:15-18:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract Motivated by the insider trading models of Kyle and Back, we present a theory of Markov bridges. We call them 'dynamic' since the terminal value is not known in advance. In this talk I will describe how to construct a diffusion which is a martingale and whose terminal value is defined by the terminal value of another martingale diffusion observed continuously in time. Our approach is based on nonlinear filtering theory and parabolic PDEs. In particular, we obtain a remarkable PDE whose solution gives the solution to the associated nonlinear filtering problem. If time permits I will also describe an application of our method for the construction of a Brownian motion who is conditioned to hit 0 for the first time at a given function of the hitting time of another Gaussian martingale and discuss its application to an insider trading model for a defaultable derivative of European type. The talk is based on joint works with L. Campi and A. Danilova.
Dynamic Markov Bridges and Insider Tradingread_more
HG G 43
11 March 2010
Yan Dolinsky
ETH Zurich

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title Shortfall Risk Approximations for American Options in the Multidimensional Black-Scholes Model
Speaker, Affiliation Yan Dolinsky, ETH Zurich
Date, Time 11 March 2010, 17:15-18:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract We show that shortfall risks of American options in a sequence of multinomial approximations of the multidimensional Black--Scholes (BS) market converge to the corresponding quantities for similar American options in the multidimensional BS market with path dependent payoff s. In comparison to previous papers we consider the multi assets case for which we use the weak convergence approach.
Shortfall Risk Approximations for American Options in the Multidimensional Black-Scholes Modelread_more
HG G 43
18 March 2010
Attilio Meucci

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title Managing Diversification
Speaker, Affiliation Attilio Meucci, Bloomberg
Date, Time 18 March 2010, 17:15-18:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract We propose a unified, fully general methodology to analyze and act on diversification in any environment, including long-short trades in highly correlated markets. First, we build the diversification distribution, i.e. the distribution of the uncorrelated bets in the portfolio that are consistent with the portfolio constraints. Next, we summarize the wealth of information provided by the diversification distribution into one single diversification index, the effective number of bets, based on the entropy of the diversification distribution. Then, we introduce the mean-diversification efficient frontier, a diversification approach to portfolio optimization. Finally, we describe how to perform mean-diversification optimization in practice in the presence of transaction and market impact costs, by only trading a few optimally chosen securities.
Managing Diversificationread_more
HG G 43
25 March 2010
Marius Hofert
ETH Zurich

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title Nested Archimedean Copulas and CDOs
Speaker, Affiliation Marius Hofert, ETH Zurich
Date, Time 25 March 2010, 17:15-18:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract Copulas are distribution functions with standard uniform univariate margins. Beside elliptical copulas (such as the Gaussian or t copula), Archimedean copulas belong to the most important classes of copulas. These copulas can be generalized to nested Archimedean copulas, which provide more flexibility in modeling dependencies, especially in large-dimensional applications. In this talk, we start with motivating the use of nested Archimedean copulas and then focus on sampling algorithms for these copulas. As an application, we introduce a model for pricing Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs). This model generalizes the CDO pricing models of Li (2000) and Schoenbucher and Schubert (2001). We introduce a calibration algorithm for our model and construct an optimization algorithm for finding the copula parameters that describe given data best. We also show the calibration results to iTraxx data and discuss why this model adequately captures the underlying portfolio of credit default swaps.
Nested Archimedean Copulas and CDOsread_more
HG G 43
* 1 April 2010
Turan Gokcen Bali

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title A Cross-Sectional Investigation of the Conditional ICAPM
Speaker, Affiliation Turan Gokcen Bali, CUNY, USA
Date, Time 1 April 2010, 13:15-14:15
Location HG F 26.1
Abstract This paper provides a cross-sectional investigation of the conditional and unconditional intertemporal capital asset pricing model (ICAPM). Our results indicate that the unconditional ICAPM does not capture the time-series and cross-sectional variation in expected returns, and the estimation of the conditional ICAPM with a pooled panel of time-series and cross-sectional data in a multivariate GARCH-in-mean model is crucial to identifying the positive risk-return tradeoff. The paper tests the cross-sectional consistency of the intertemporal relation by estimating the model with different slopes on the conditional covariance between equity and market portfolios. The results show the equality of positive slope coefficients across all portfolios, which empirically validates the conditional ICAPM. The conditional alpha estimates indicate that the time-varying conditional covariances explain the industry, size and value premiums, but the momentum profits cannot be explained by the conditional measures of market risk. (Joint work with Robert F. Engle).
A Cross-Sectional Investigation of the Conditional ICAPMread_more
HG F 26.1
8 April 2010

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title No seminar (Easter week)
Speaker, Affiliation
Date, Time 8 April 2010, 17:15-18:15
No seminar (Easter week)
* 15 April 2010
Shige Peng
Shandong University, China

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title On G-Martingale and G-Martingale Representation
Speaker, Affiliation Shige Peng, Shandong University, China
Date, Time 15 April 2010, 16:15-17:15
Location HG E 41
Abstract We present some new estimates for solving martingale representation problem under G-expectations. We also study the corresponding conditions for the existence and uniqueness by using the estimates.
On G-Martingale and G-Martingale Representationread_more
HG E 41
15 April 2010
John Nolan
American University, Washington, D.C.

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title A Gentle Introduction to Stable Distributions
Speaker, Affiliation John Nolan, American University, Washington, D.C.
Date, Time 15 April 2010, 17:15-18:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract Stable distributions are a class of heavy tailed probability distributions that generalize the Gaussian distribution and that can be used to model a variety of problems. An overview of univariate stable laws is given, with emphasis on the practical aspects of working with stable distributions. Then a range of statistical applications will be explored. If there is time, a brief introduction to multivariate stable distributions will be given.
A Gentle Introduction to Stable Distributionsread_more
HG G 43
22 April 2010
Luciano Campi
CEREMADE, Universite de Paris-Dauphine

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title A structural risk-neutral approach for option pricing and hedging in energy markets
Speaker, Affiliation Luciano Campi, CEREMADE, Universite de Paris-Dauphine
Date, Time 22 April 2010, 17:15-18:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract We will present a joint model for energy and fuels for pricing and hedging derivatives on spot and forward energy contracts. The main feature of the model is the following: Since energy is not storable, usual no-arbitrage arguments have to be carefully justified. For circumventing this difficulty, we consider an enlarged market where agents not only can buy (and consume) electricity and invest in the bank account, but they are also allowed to invest in fuels. In the market of fuels, one can properly define no-arbitrage condition and use risk-neutral pricing and hedging techniques, since fuels can be stored (even though at a certain cost). We are able to transfer risk-neutral methods from fuels to electricity via the production function of a given energy producer, so that derivatives on energy can be viewed as a kind of basket derivative on fuels. That production function involves an additional and non-tradable random source driving the demand for electricity, so making the market incomplete. We will discuss how spot and forward energy prices are related and give some pricing and optimal hedging formula for derivatives on electricity, based on local risk minimization approach. This talk is based on joint works with René Aid (EDF), Nicolas Langrené, Adrien Huyen-Huu (EDF) and Nizar Touzi (Ecole Polytechnique).
A structural risk-neutral approach for option pricing and hedging in energy marketsread_more (CANCELLED)
HG G 43
22 April 2010
Guus Balkema
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title High risk scenarios and conditional extremes
Speaker, Affiliation Guus Balkema, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date, Time 22 April 2010, 17:15-18:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract In univariate extremes there has been a shift from maxima to exceedances. In the multivariate situation there are different ways to describe extremes. In this talk I will discuss exceedances over hyperplanes. Random vectors conditioned to lie in a halfspace have been termed high risk scenarios. The asymptotic behaviour of high risk scenarios, as the bounding hyperplane moves off to infinity, is of interest in risk analysis and in quality control. I will give a short exposition of the asymptotic theory of high risk scenarios developed by Paul Embrechts and myself, and show how this theory is related to results by Sid Resnick, Jonathan Tawn, Anthony Ledford and Janet Heffernan on conditional extremes.
High risk scenarios and conditional extremesread_more
HG G 43
29 April 2010
Michel Dacorogna
SCOR Switzerland

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title Principle-based solvency: A comparison between Solvency II and the Swiss Solvency Test
Speaker, Affiliation Michel Dacorogna, SCOR Switzerland
Date, Time 29 April 2010, 17:15-18:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract With the adoption of the Solvency II directive, the European parliament has opened up a new area for insurance in terms of solvency regulation. This marks a change in paradigm: instead of relying on a simple, balance sheet-based formula to assess the solvency of a company, the regulators want to push the industry into developing their own risk management and using their own internal models to assess risk. This opens up new academic challenges in insurance and financial mathematics.
Documents Slidesfile_download
Principle-based solvency: A comparison between Solvency II and the Swiss Solvency Testread_more
HG G 43
6 May 2010
Fabio Sigrist
ETH Zurich

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title Censored Gamma Regression Models for Limited Dependent Variables with an Application to Loss Given Default
Speaker, Affiliation Fabio Sigrist, ETH Zurich
Date, Time 6 May 2010, 17:15-18:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract A regression model for limited dependent variables having a non-negligible probability of attaining exactly their limits is presented. The model determines the discrete and continuous parts jointly by the same parameters. Two extensions of the model relaxing the assumption that only one mechanism governs both the discrete and the continuous parts are introduced as well. It is shown how to estimate these models and they are applied to a Loss Given Default dataset from an insurance category known as "surety". Further developments include extensions which allow for modeling dependency.
Censored Gamma Regression Models for Limited Dependent Variables with an Application to Loss Given Defaultread_more
HG G 43
13 May 2010

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title No seminar (holiday)
Speaker, Affiliation
Date, Time 13 May 2010, 17:15-18:15
No seminar (holiday)
* 20 May 2010
Robert Almgren
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title The Mathematics of Adaptive Execution
Speaker, Affiliation Robert Almgren, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University
Date, Time 20 May 2010, 16:15-17:15
Location HG F 26.1
Abstract Algorithmic execution of large transactions in equity and other markets is a large and growing business. The goal is to optimize the overall execution results relative to some benchmark specified by the client, generally involving some combination of minimum market impact and exposure to volatilty risk. An increasingly important trend in recent years is dynamically adaptive algorithms, that adjust execution in response to short-term variations in estimated market liquidity and volatility. The mathematical challenge is to combine that instantaneous response with a more strategic point of view that optimizes an overall combination of impact cost and volatility risk. We summarize some recent work using dynamic programming to calculate and implement optimally adaptive strategies.
The Mathematics of Adaptive Executionread_more
HG F 26.1
20 May 2010
Prof. Dr. Alexander Schied
University of Mannheim

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title On modeling the transience of price impact
Speaker, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Alexander Schied, University of Mannheim
Date, Time 20 May 2010, 17:15-18:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract Empirical studies have shown that the price impact of large trades is, to a large extent, neither entirely instantaneous nor completely permanent but rather predominantly transient. That is, after its creation it decays in time before it eventually vanishes. In this talk, we will discuss some of the models that were proposed so as to describe the transience of price impact. We will start by looking at the linear case and then turn to models with nonlinear price impact. Our approach to analyze these models consists in looking at strategies that minimize the expected trade execution costs.
On modeling the transience of price impactread_more
HG G 43
27 May 2010
Antoon Pelsser
Maastricht University

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title Title T.B.A.
Speaker, Affiliation Antoon Pelsser, Maastricht University
Date, Time 27 May 2010, 17:15-18:15
Location HG G 43
HG G 43
* 27 May 2010
Mathieu Rosenbaum
CMAP-Ecole Polytechnique Paris

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title On Lead-Lag Estimation
Speaker, Affiliation Mathieu Rosenbaum, CMAP-Ecole Polytechnique Paris
Date, Time 27 May 2010, 17:30-18:30
Location HG G 43
Abstract It is commonly acknowledged by financial practitioners that some assets are "leading" or "driving" others. This means that their behaviour at a given time has a major influence on the behaviour of some other "follower" or "lagger" assets, after some time delay. In this talk, we propose a simple model enabling to define the notion of "lead-lag" between two assets in a mathematical way. In this model, we study the problem of estimating the lead-lag parameter based on high frequency observations of the assets. This talk is based on joint works with Marc Hoffmann, Christian Y. Robert and Nakahiro Yoshida.
On Lead-Lag Estimationread_more
HG G 43
3 June 2010

Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics

Title No seminar
Speaker, Affiliation
Date, Time 3 June 2010, 17:15-18:15
No seminar

Notes: events marked with an asterisk (*) indicate that the time and/or location are different from the usual time and/or location.

Organisers: Catherine Donnelly

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