Zurich colloquium in mathematics


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Autumn Semester 2021

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
21 September 2021
Prof. Dr. Kathryn Mann
Cornell University

Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

Title Dynamics in dimensions one and three
Speaker, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Kathryn Mann, Cornell University
Date, Time 21 September 2021, 16:30-17:30
Location Zoom
Dynamics in dimensions one and three
26 October 2021
Prof. Dr. Karen Uhlenbeck
University of Texas at Austin

Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

Title Transverse Measures and Best Lipschitz and Least Gradient Maps
Speaker, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Karen Uhlenbeck, University of Texas at Austin
Date, Time 26 October 2021, 16:30-17:30
Location Zoom
Transverse Measures and Best Lipschitz and Least Gradient Maps
23 November 2021
Prof. Dr. Jack Thorne
University of Cambridge, UK

Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

Title Equidistribution and reciprocity in number theory
Speaker, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Jack Thorne, University of Cambridge, UK
Date, Time 23 November 2021, 16:30-17:30
Location Zoom
Equidistribution and reciprocity in number theory
14 December 2021
Prof. Dr. Leslie Greengard
Courant Institute, New York

Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

Title Adaptive methods for the simulation of diffusion and fluid flow in complex geometries
Speaker, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Leslie Greengard, Courant Institute, New York
Date, Time 14 December 2021, 16:15-17:15
Location Zoom
Adaptive methods for the simulation of diffusion and fluid flow in complex geometries
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