Research Projects

Mathematical study and robust numerical methods for multi-phase flows in multi-dimensional porous media

Principal investigators

  • Prof. Dr. Siddhartha Mishra, Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zurich
  • Giuseppe Coclite, University of Bari
  • Kenneth Karlsen, CMA, University of Oslo
  • Nils Henrik Risebro, CMA, University of Oslo

Start date: 11.05.2008


The project focuses on the mathematical study of the equations that govern multi-phase flow in a multi-dimensional porous medium. The equations are non-linear system consisting of an elliptic equation for the pressure and a hyperbolic equation for the saturation. We have developed approximate models for two-phase flow that are well-posed. Robust numerical methods to simulate multi-phase flow are also being developed. Ongoing research focuses on the derivation of more physically realistic models and on extending the results to three phase flow.


  • G. M. Coclite, S. Mishra, K. H. Karlsen and N. H. Risebro. Convergence of vanishing viscosity approximations for a multi-dimensional triangular systems of conservation laws, Boll. Unione. Mat. Ital., 9/2 (2009), pp. 275-284
  • G. M. Coclite, S. Mishra and N. H. Risebro. Convergence of an Engquist-Osher scheme for a multi-dimensional triangular systems of conservation laws, Mathematics of Computation, 79/269 (2010), pp. 71-94, doi
  • G. M. Coclite, K. H. Karlsen, S. Mishra and N. H. Risebro. A hyperbolic-elliptic model of two-phase flow in porous media - existence of entropy solutions, Int. J. Num. Anal. Model, 9/3 (2012), pp. 562-583, SAM Report 2011-06


  • RCN funding under the center of excellence initiative.


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