Optimization seminar


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Spring Semester 2019

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
1 April 2019
Dr. Emily Speakman
Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany

Optimization Seminar

Title Gaining or losing perspective
Speaker, Affiliation Dr. Emily Speakman, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Date, Time 1 April 2019, 16:30-17:30
Location HG G 19.1
Abstract We study mixed-integer nonlinear-optimization formulations of the disjunction $x\in\{0\}\cup[l,u]$, where $z$ is a binary indicator of $x\in[l,u]$, and $y$ ``captures'' $x^p$, for $p>1$. This model is useful when activities have operating ranges, we pay a fixed cost for carrying out each activity, and costs on the levels of activities are strictly convex. One well-known concrete application (with $p=2$) is mean-variance optimization (in the style of Markowitz). Using volume as a measure to compare convex bodies, we investigate a family of relaxations for this model, employing the inequality $yz^q \geq x^p$, parameterized by the ``lifting exponent'' $q\in [0,p-1]$. These models are higher-dimensional-power-cone representable, and hence tractable. We analytically determine the behavior of these relaxations as functions of $l,u,p$ and $q$, enabling use in modeling and algorithmic decisions. We validate our results computationally, for the case of $p=2$. Furthermore, for $p=2$, we give results on optimal branching-point selection (in the context of spatial branch-and-bound). This is joint work with J. Lee (Michigan) and D. Skipper (USNA).
Gaining or losing perspectiveread_more
HG G 19.1
13 May 2019
Dr. Sagar Kale
EPF, Lausanne

Optimization Seminar

Title Beating Greedy for Stochastic Bipartite Matching
Speaker, Affiliation Dr. Sagar Kale, EPF, Lausanne
Date, Time 13 May 2019, 16:30-17:30
Location HG G 19.1
Abstract We consider the maximum bipartite matching problem in stochastic settings, namely the query-commit and price-of-information models. In the query-commit model, an edge e independently exists with probability p_e. We can query whether an edge exists or not, but if it does exist, then we have to take it into our solution. In the unweighted case, one can query edges in the order given by the classical online algorithm of Karp, Vazirani, and Vazirani to get a (1-1/e)-approximation. In contrast, the previously best known algorithm in the weighted case is the (1/2)-approximation achieved by the greedy algorithm that sorts the edges according to their weights and queries in that order. Improving upon the basic greedy, we give a (1-1/e)-approximation algorithm in the weighted query-commit model. We use a linear program (LP) to upper bound the optimum achieved by any strategy. The proposed LP admits several structural properties that play a crucial role in the design and analysis of our algorithm. We also extend these techniques to get a (1-1/e)-approximation algorithm for maximum bipartite matching in the price-of-information model introduced by Singla, who also used the basic greedy algorithm to give a (1/2)-approximation.
Beating Greedy for Stochastic Bipartite Matchingread_more
HG G 19.1

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